Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any charging fees for publishing with the Youth Medical Journal?

No, we are a Diamond Open Access Journal, which means all articles are reviewed and published without any fees. Furthemore, any person can freely access all of our published manuscripts.

Why have I not gotten a response on my application / manuscript?

The volume of application and manuscript submissions is greater than the staff capacity. Therefore, the response time may take up to months.

How do I submit articles?

You have to fill out the form on our publishing page. You will get further information upon acceptance.

If you cannot find a form, it means we are not accepting submissions at the moment. If you wish to publish with us, you should subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of when the form reopens.

Do you offer paid positions?

No, we strictly offer unpaid volunteer positions for mainly students in high-school and undergraduate college.

When should I apply by?

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so there is no hard deadline.

Can I list this on my resume?

Yes. You can list it as working for a student publication.

What should I submit for my writing sample?

On the application, you have the option of including a writing sample. This can be any past work you have written related to STEM or medicine.

What forms of communication do we use?

Members of the journal mainly communicate through emails and our internal Discord server.

Why was I rejected?

If you were rejected from Youth Medical Journal, it most likely means that:

  • the admissions team either felt that you did not put enough effort in your application
  • did not have the necessary credentials for our team, or;
  • were not a good fit for the Youth Medical Journal.

If you have any other questions, please email us at